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  • Leadership:

The delegate leads others to find a solution. Regardless of their country’s stance.
â—‹ Demonstrates initiative in discussions and negotiations.
â—‹ Facilitates collaboration among delegates.
○ Provides clear and actionable guidance.​


  • Knowledge/understanding of the topic

Understands the implications of the topic, represents the position of his country faithfully.

â—‹ Accurately articulates their country’s stance.
â—‹ Provides evidence-based arguments.
â—‹ Demonstrates a deep understanding of the topic’s complexities.
â—‹ Is capable of answering relevant questions.


  • Participation:

Participations are meaningful: relevant questions, true answers, real situations, innovative and effective solutions.

​○ Formulates questions during the debate, by listening carefully
â—‹ Quality of questions and answers provided.
â—‹ Creativity and feasibility of proposed solutions.


  • Lead on the resolution paper:

Takes the lead to write and present the resolution in the committee and in the General Assembly.
â—‹ Contribution to drafting the resolution.
â—‹ Effectiveness in presenting and defending the resolution.
○ Ability to incorporate feedback and make necessary revisions.​


  • Position paper:

Delivered to the chair and mod, contains valuable information written in formal and advanced language.
â—‹ Timeliness of submission.
â—‹ Adherence to formal writing standards.
â—‹ Originality of content must be verified through (platform we agree on).
â—‹ Proper citation of sources to ensure academic integrity.

The use of artificial intelligence (AI), a.k.a. correlational algorithm technologies must be conducted with integrity and transparency. Any form of dishonest use of AI, including but not limited to generating misleading evidence, formulating questions, or writing important fragments of any of the papers is strictly prohibited. Violations of this clause will result in a warning.

  • Original work :

The paper was written by the delegate and contains no plagiarism.
â—‹ Authorship: The paper must be written solely by the delegate. Any assistance received must be disclosed.
â—‹ Plagiarism Check: The paper must pass a plagiarism detection tool (name the tool).
○ Citation Accuracy: All sources must be properly cited in APA format​


  • Language:

Written in formal, advanced, and precise sentences.
â—‹ Formal Tone: The paper should be written in a formal, advanced, and precise manner.
â—‹ Grammar and Syntax: The paper should be free from grammatical errors and 
use complex sentence structures appropriately.
○ Vocabulary: The use of advanced and topic-specific vocabulary is encouraged.​


  • Relevance:

The topic is approached with good ideas, proper knowledge of the topic, the position of the country is represented accurately, and solutions are effective.
â—‹ Topic Understanding: The paper should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the topic.
â—‹ Country Position: The position of the country must be accurately represented, reflecting current policies and historical context.
â—‹ Innovative Solutions: The proposed solutions should be effective, feasible, and innovative.
â—‹ Evidence-Based: Arguments and solutions should be supported by credible sources and data.

The use of artificial intelligence (AI), a.k.a. correlational algorithm technologies must be conducted with integrity and transparency. Any form of dishonest use of AI, including but not limited to generating misleading evidence, formulating questions, or writing important fragments of any of the papers is strictly prohibited. Violations of this clause will result in a warning.

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